vim document
vim document




** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Documentation for vim help file markup

Is there a complete source of documentation on the markup format used in vim help files? :help write-local-help provides some info but does not.

Vim Cheat Sheet

Explore for an extensive Vim cheat sheet, offering clear, concise commands and shortcuts for Vim users. Whether you're a beginner or an ...


Search for help: Type :help word, then hit CTRL-D to see matching help entries for word. Or use :helpgrep word.


Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems.

Vim help files

This is an HTML version of the Vim help pages, current as of Vim 9.1.1130. They are kept up-to-date automatically from the Vim source repository. Vim: quickref.txt · Vim: helphelp.txt · Vim: tabpage.txt · Vim: motion.txt


This file contains a list of all commands for each mode, with a tag and a short description. The lists are sorted on ASCII value. Vim: quickref.txt · User manual toc · Faq

Classic SysAdmin: Vim 101

This will be the first of a four-part (possibly longer) series covering how to use Vim and where to start using the world's best text editor.

Vim documentation in HTML

Vim documentation in HTML. For the Vim help files converted to HTML see the vimdoc site. Help Uganda. Buy a book, help Uganda, learn Vim Buy at Amazon ...

Vim documentation

Vim's online documentation system, accessible via the :help command, is an extensive cross-referenced and hyperlinked reference. It's kept up-to-date with the ...

VIM 中文帮助

帮助总览 ·. 快速参考 · 命令索引 · 函数列表 · 选项列表 ·. 用户手册 · 参考手册 ·. help. help.txt 适用于Vim 9.0 版本。 最近更新: 2023年2月VIM - 主帮助文件k ...


Isthereacompletesourceofdocumentationonthemarkupformatusedinvimhelpfiles?:helpwrite-local-helpprovidessomeinfobutdoesnot.,Explorevim.rtorr.comforanextensiveVimcheatsheet,offeringclear,concisecommandsandshortcutsforVimusers.Whetheryou'reabeginneroran ...,Searchforhelp:Type:helpword,thenhitCTRL-Dtoseematchinghelpentriesforword.Oruse:helpgrepword.,Vimisahighlyconfigurabletexteditorbuilttoenableef...

備忘。vim  256色 色彩設定

備忘。vim 256色 色彩設定



